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Tiny Tummy Tips, Issue #67 You Need to Do This!
September 25, 2024

Fall Kitchen Kickoff

Tiny Tummy Tips, Issue #67: Kitchen Kickoff: Transform Your Space for Success

Ahhh fall is in the air.

Well not really here in Tucson, AZ! But the calendar SAYS it’s fall anyway.

This is my favorite time of year. I always kick it off by putting up 2 fall “holiday trees,” (kinda like Christmas trees but decorated with pumpkins, scarecrows, leaves, and fall flowers).

The tree extravaganza inevitably leads to a “fall cleaning,”… not so different than spring cleaning!

This year I went a little crazy not only cleaning up the house, but doing a kitchen overhaul too. I figured, hey why not do a “clean up kitchen kickoff” along with the fall kickoff?! It felt like a smart idea.

…which leads me to the theme of this newsletter…

It’s a good time for YOU to look at your kitchen too!

Is Your Kitchen Set Up for Success?

It is bariatric friendly? Are you set up with the right foods? Do you have the right tools to help you align with your health goals? Can you find what you need when you’re looking for it?!

How about trying a clean up kitchen kickoff yourself to welcome the fall and get your space ready for the fast-approaching holiday season.

Just think of how much more pleasant and desirable it is to work in clean, organized space!

Declutter Your Kitchen

Kitchen Cabinets

If you can’t find your small plates, bowl and utensils when you need them, they’re not going to help you.

Take time to organize your cabinets and drawers so the dishes and utensils you want to use are staring you in the face when you open the cabinet door or drawer. In sight, in mind.

And donate any large dishes you don’t need/use anymore. They just take up space and create clutter!

Water Bottles

Take inventory of all the reusable water bottles you may have accumulated over time. Keep your favs and donate the rest.

Remember, it's important to know how many ounces your water bottle is and how many you need to drink every day to meet your fluid goal. Having toooo many different sized water bottles can sometimes work against you.

And Finally...

...tackle the pantry, fridge, and freezer!

Begin by removing any items that may have slowly crept their way in….or never made their way out to the trash to begin with.

Think of how trees let go of their leaves. Fall is all about letting go of the old!

I know, I know…there are starving children in XYZ country. It’s hard to throw away food. It feels wasteful. But eating it isn’t going to help starving children.

Throw it out or throw it in…either way it goes to WASTE or WAIST.

Here’s how to do it:


Out with the old: Toss out any junk foods, sugary snacks …basically any and all processed packed foods, and high-calorie items that could tempt you.

Say goodbye to chips, cookies, and sugary cereals. If you have to keep these for others in the house, move them to a designated cabinet that you plan not to open.

In with the new: Stock up on beans, low sodium canned vegetables, no sugar added canned fruits, and small amounts of nuts and seeds for “garnishing” meals. These nutrient-dense foods will fuel your body and keep you satisfied.


Clear it out: Check for high-fat dressings, sugary sauces, and sugar sweetened beverages. And throw out all the expired bottles of condiments!

Fill it up: Load your fridge with fresh vegetables (store them at eye level) and lean proteins (like chicken, turkey, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, and tofu). These will be the foundation of your meals.


Time for a cleanse: Toss out any frozen meals that are high in calories or sodium. They might be convenient but might not help you reach your goals.

Stock smart: Keep frozen fruits and vegetables on hand for quick smoothies or stir-fries.

Look for lean meats and fish to have on hand for easy meal prep... like turkey meatballs, shrimp, salmon burgers and turkey burgers. If you need to use frozen meals, choose ones that have 20-30g protein.

Keep it Fun

Clearing out/organizing up your kitchen doesn’t have to feel like a chore. Make it a fun experience:

• Light a pumpkin spice IS fall after all!
• Play your favorite music while you're at it
• Invite a friend to help
• Treat yourself to a new kitchen gadget as a reward for your hard work (I got a new Santoku knife!)

The goal is to create a space that inspires good choices and makes healthy cooking and eating easy and enjoyable. Welcome the fall with a great clean up kitchen kickoff.

Hello Fall! Embrace letting go...and transform!

Let me know how it goes! ;)

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See you in the next issue!

In Health,

Suzette Kroll, RDN

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