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Tiny Tummy Tips, Issue #66 Tracking Triumph
September 11, 2024

Tracking Triumph

Tiny Tummy Tips, Issue #66: Measuring Progress Beyond the Scale and NSVs

The number on the scale isn’t the ONLY measure of success.

And while you’ve probably heard me talk about NSVs (Non scale victories) as measures of success before, today I’m talking about something totally different:

Get out a measuring tape and take your body measurements. STAT!

NSV Review
You see…

When the scale isn’t moving, often body measurements ARE! Particularly if you’re consistently exercising and gaining muscle.

(And if you’re NOT consistently exercising, keep reading for the reminder/inspiration for why you need to get on it!)

That’s because…

1 pound of muscle weighs as much as much as 1 pound of fat, but a pound of muscle takes up less space.

(You may have heard differently…that “muscle weighs more than fat.” NOT TRUE! )


While 1 pound of fat WEIGHS as much as 1 pound of muscle…1 pound of fat is larger in volume (takes up more space) than 1 pound of muscle.

That’s why two people can weigh the exact same amount on the scale and look totally different…

Like this:

Same Weight, 2 Very Different Body Types!
If you lose 1 pound of fat, and gain 1 pound of muscle, you won’t see any difference on the scale…

…but your clothes will fit differently (better), because the 1 pound of muscle is more compact (smaller in size) than 1 pound of fat.

So you can see…

The scale doesn’t always give the full picture. By taking body measurements and tracking progress OVER TIME, you can see… in black and white…how your body is changing.

You can watch your progress unfold before your eyes and see your efforts paying off, even at times when the scale isn’t moving!


If you find yourself disappointed by a (perceived) lack of progress when numbers on the scale don’t budge despite your hard work, taking your body measurements is a particularly good strategy.

Checkout my tools and tips for tracking your measurements here:

Body Measurements Tracker Templates
I made 3 trackers you can pick from…

They’re free and downloadable! If you like the "old fashioned" pen and paper way of I do...these are great visuals to hang on the fridge to keep you motivated.

Be sure to bookmark the page and come back monthly to print new trackers!

Get to it NOW! ;)

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See you in the next issue!

In Health,

Suzette Kroll, RDN

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